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Area of \u200b\u200bPortes-lès-Valence Service is rated 4.0 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY]. Read and write reviews about Area of \u200b\u200bPortes-lès-Valence Service.
Good place to have a stop. If you are lucky you can park your car in the shades. Not to crowded.
Good selection of outlets selling food, campervan carpark is closer to the truck parking and gets noisy early mornings when the trucks start to go out, facilities nice and clean.
Good French rest stop with a good shop and picnic tables and very clean
A nice place to rest for a while.
I visited this motorway stop to take a break from driving. I considered going to the machine for a coffee but wanted to sit down while partaking of my beverage, whilst drinking from a real cup. Therefore, I went to the counter away from the coffee machines to make my selection. The coffee came from a machine (no surprise there) but was served in a cardboard cup, half-empty. 1.50 for coffee in a cardboard cup from a machine. 2.90 for coffee in a cardboard cup from a human. you choice
Efficient, scalable (accommodate everyone in relatively good conditions, even at peak times during the summer weekends)
Area of \u200b\u200bPortes-lès-Valence Service
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